November 23, 2012
Greg Trotter, 312-314-0913


The AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) welcomes the appointment of Nanette Benbow as the new Deputy Commissioner for HIV and STI Services at the Chicago Department of Public Health.

“Nanette brings an impressive record of public service fighting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in her nearly 20-year career at the Chicago Department of Public Health,” said David Ernesto Munar, AFC President/CEO.  “She possesses a keen understanding of local and national HIV/AIDS trends and the strategies needs to achieve greater progress. These attributes along with her dedication and compassion make Nanette an ideal leader for Chicago’s HIV/STI Services Division.”

As the most recent Director of STI/HIV Surveillance, Nanette applied national modeling strategies to improve local monitoring and planning to control the epidemic.  AFC collaborated closely with Nanette to model local outcomes and unmet need at every stage of HIV care and featured her work in its recently released three-year strategic plan called “Road to Health: Charting Health Improvements for HIV-Affected Communities.” 

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Founded in 1985 by community activists and physicians, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago is a catalyst for local, national, and international action against HIV/AIDS.