Learning Collaboratives

Learning Collaboratives

Learning Circle Collaborative (LCC)  

LCC is a capacity-building and technical assistance program for Black-led social service providers and organizations to improve agency infrastructure. Each wave of grants in the amounts between $5,000 – $10,000. Grantees are invited to participate in 6 months direct capacity building and technical assistance (at the value of $15,000).

RFP’s are open now: LCC Rapid Release Microgrant Application (office.com)

Connection to Care Learning Collaborative (CCLC) 

CCLC is a capacity building program for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in Chicago to increase readiness and service delivery of LGBTQ+ affirming and HIV culturally responsive care services.  Qualified FQHCs receive an unrestricted grant and participate in a 6–8-month series of learning events and one-on-one training sessions.

See available request for proposals (RFPs)
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