The AIDS Foundation of Chicago is grateful to Mayor Rahm Emanuel, whose recent budget proposal did not cut vital city funding for HIV prevention programs, services, and agencies, in spite of the bleak, slow-to-recover economy.

The AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) recently received from the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) a full list of how the city spends its HIV prevention dollars.

The document reveals that 88% of CDPH city HIV prevention funding goes directly to community-based organizations that provide direct HIV prevention services.  The remaining funds are used for HIV prevention supplies, including condoms, HIV test kits, and HIV education and awareness events.

Please click here for access to a listing of agencies funded to provide HIV prevention services through CDPH Corporate Grants (Lines 18 and 29).  Note that this document shows how CDPH spends city HIV prevention funding only, not federal or state funding.

Please click here for a list of HIV prevention funds received from all sources, including city, state, and federal from 2009-2011.