Great news!  The Illinois House on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 released a proposed public health budget for next fiscal year that would restore $2 million in HIV funding.  This higher amount would reduce funding cuts to cost-effective HIV prevention, care and housing programs. 

We couldn’t have done it without your advocacy—and the leadership of State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) and the members of the House Human Services Appropriations Committee. 

Tell the House: Thank you for restoring HIV funding!



Yeah, we know. Even if this funding level becomes law, it’s still a 5% funding cut from this year.  But we think a 5% cut is much better than the 11% cut the Governor and Senate proposed.  Don’t get us wrong – we’re still pushing for full funding.  In the meantime, join us in urging the Senate to adopt the House’s higher funding amount.

Tell the Senate: Restore proposed HIV funding cuts… Adopt the House funding level!

We’re also not pleased that the House and Senate propose combining four funding accounts into one. Our community worked hard to get separate state funding for minority HIV prevention and HIV and corrections. We’re concerned that the state might not continue to invest in those priorities at the same levels in the future.

The House budget is far from perfect.  More revenue is needed to improve it and head off reductions in other critical human service programs.  Tell your legislators what you think!  The end of the session is less than three weeks away.

Read the proposed FY 2012 human services budget bill (HIV starts on p. 113)