Happy 2019! The new year brings in renewed energy, and AFC staff are back at work continuing their plans towards advancing health equity! With new and continuing projects underway, we checked in with three staff members about to see what they are most excited about for 2019.

Donnise Gaffeney“In 2019, I am looking forward to being able to give the reentry returning citizens housing and employment opportunities through the Safe and Sound Return Amanda PetersPartnership program.”

Donnise Gaffeney, Special Projects Manager

“A few of our long-term research and evaluation projects will wrap up data collection in 2019, like the Supportive Housing: Optimizing Placements study which is looking at health outcomes for people in different types of permanent supportive housing programs. I’m looking forward to diving into the data to shine a light on the ways that AFC’s programs impact our clients’ lives so our programs can evolve with those outcomes in mind.”

Amanda Peters, Research & Evaluation Data Analyst

Alex DeLakis“In 2019, I am looking forward to continued collaboration with our Housing department to develop and implement a screener that will be used throughout Housing and Care programs. This new screener will standardize how we ask clients about their mental health and substance use issues so we can better connect them to appropriate services.”

Alex DeLakis, Medical Case Manager

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