Driving the Story: Engaging the Media to Expand Health Access for People Living with HIV from Dose of Change on Vimeo.

It’s important for HIV/AIDS organizations and advocates to be able to engage the media and tell powerful HIV stories, particularly in a time when many Americans seem disinterested. Compelling stories can sway public and political opinion.

But effectively engaging with reporters on complicated issues can be challenging. They have tight deadlines to make, and editors, or producers, to please. HIV doesn’t often make the front page anymore.

Check out this recent HIVHealthReform.org webinar, called “Driving the Story,” on how to effectively engage your local media on HIV stories. The panelists include Claire Hermann, communications program coordinator for the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition; Greg Trotter, communications manager for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago; and Chris Fleisher, a health reporter for the Valley News in New Hampshire.

Our stories matter now more than ever. Let’s make sure people actually hear them.