altThe Illinois health insurance marketplace open enrollment period ends on Feb. 15, 2015, and it is crucial that people living with HIV and AIDS have complete information to choose a marketplace plan.

Today, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC) is releasing information on HIV medication coverage for each marketplace plan giving examples of what a person with HIV might pay for HIV medications.

If you qualify for the Illinois Medication Assistance Program (MAP, formerly ADAP) and Premium Assistance Program (PAP, formerly CHIC), and choose a plan that is compatible with MAP/PAP, MAP/PAP will cover premiums and any out-of-pocket costs for HIV medications.

AFC’s drug coverage guide shows that without help from MAP/PAP, many people with HIV would be unable to obtain life-saving medications. While three insurance companies have affordable medication copays, the remaining four companies feature out-of-pocket costs of as much as $2,250 a month for an HIV medication regimen. MAP/PAP can help people with HIV by covering these out-of-pocket costs.

Finding the right plan that’s compatible with MAP/PAP can be complicated, but our in-person counselors can help! You can contact AFC’s health insurance in-person counselors and benefits coordinators at 312-784-9060 for assistance.

With the deadline fast approaching, we encourage you to act fast and seek the help you need to choose the best plan available in the marketplace before the deadline of Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015.

Download the guide on this page.

AFC also provides an assessment on the cost of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for those who are HIV-negative.