AFC is deeply concerned that and the General Assembly are considering cutting HIV programs by $4 million or 14%, which will actually lower state funding for HIV prevention, housing, corrections, minority health, perinatal HIV, and harm reduction programs by 50%.

Based on public health data these cuts could result in 108 additional people becoming infected with HIV, resulting in over $40 million in lifetime medical costs; and nearly 1,000 HIV-positive persons losing access to housing and vital supportive services.

If you’ve had enough we urge you to take action in the following ways:

  1. E-mail the governor and your state representative and senator
  2. Use the HIV budget toolkit below to easily communicate with their elected officials about the budget cuts
  3. Attend the 2012 Illinois HIV/AIDS Lobby Day on Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Illinois HIV Budget Toolkit


Take your advocacy to Facebook

Post this as your Facebook status: Illinois HIV Budget Cuts Cost Lives – make three calls to IL House members today to fight $4 million in HIV funding cuts

Change your Facebook profile image to this one: “Illinois HIV Budget Cuts Cost Lives” (right click to download)

Change your timeline cover to one of these five images (also below, right click to download): 108 infections, 144 houses, 255 inmates, 563 servicessavings?

Make this your profile image